Poems for Loved Ones


Over the years Some One has written many, many poems to his Loved Ones (His late wife and his current partner). Some are funny some are passionate. All were written out of love. Here is a sampling.

The Strange Science of Love
(or how Copernicus got it all wrong)

I'm a practical man all rooted in truth
With a technical bent since my early youth.
I've studied rocket science at M.I.T.
Plus space navigation and astronomy.
So imagine how my beliefs were undone
To find that the world revolved NOT ‘round the sun!
Now this revelation did not strike me so quick
I was near thirty-five when it started to click.
Let me take you back to the sixth of November
In nineteen eighty-two, I'm sure you remember.
For that was the day that we said our I dos
And my world began to revolve around you.
At first, I recall, I was just spinning with joy
As round in circles I ran like a boy.
With you at the center of every round trip
Your centripetal force had me in your grip.
And when elliptical orbits took me far away
To travel on business for more than a day
I counted the seconds till I would be
Back near your side at perigee.
As the years have whirled by with celestial precision
My orbit has tightened with no indecision.
As mass to a black hole or a ball on a tether
Like binary stars we are drawn tight together
And all of this time I’ve know that you knew
That bound by our love I’ll always be true.
For billions of years our true love will blaze
As orbital bodies we live out our days.
And now that I know that it’s certainly true
That the entire world revolves around you,
I just have to wonder to stars up there blinkin’
What in the world was Copernicus thinkin’ ?
You are my truth; you are my light.
I’ll always be safe when you’re holding me tight.
The power of love, like gravity’s force
Will hold us together forever, of course.


Sometimes in the strangest places
a picture comes to mind.
Euphoria takes over as your
image is defined.

I see you very clearly,
your laughing face comes near.
My spirits lift, my problems fade,
when I see you here, my dear.

Each moment that I feel this way
is more than man can measure.
Of all the things I'll ever have,
your love’s my greatest treasure!

One in the Universe

How vast is the universe?
There are billions of galaxies,
And billions of stars in each galaxy,
And billions of planets orbiting those stars,
And there are billions of people on our own planet earth.
And yet, my love, there is only one you.
You are the only object of my total devotion.
You completely consume all my attention.
The vastness of the universe is wasted on me
Because I cannot see beyond the beauty of your face.
I hear nothing but the sweetness of your voice.
I feel nothing unless it is the warmth of your body,
And I cannot love anything without first loving you.
This vast universe and I are simply here to serve you.
And I could not possibly love you more.

Why I Love You

How did I come to love you so much?
What makes me spend my life with you?
Why do I quiver at your simplest touch,
And do anything you ask me to do?

Let's start with a smile that could launch a ship,
A smile that Mona Lisa would envy.
A smile that is formed by two perfect lips
A smile more radiant than any.

Next, we have your brown eyes so pure.
Your eyes filled with passion so true
They've cast on me a spell with no cure,
And made of you my bolt from the blue.

And then we have the thrill of your voice
As you tell me things I've never heard.
I listen to you with no other choice,
Lest I miss even one little word!

And intermixed with your wonderful words
The song of your laugh tickles my ears,
I imagine you as a beautiful bird
That has sung to me all of these years.

And your glorious way with the written word
Leaves me and others wanting more.
Your notes and poems on me conferred
Prove that I am what you adore.

I totally cherish your good common sense
And the way you act as a mother.
And of course there is your intelligence
And your understanding of others.

Enthralled am I with your artistry
And your sense of decoration
And your way of acting just perfectly
In almost every situation.

Finally, I know with you as my wife
That every day that we share together
Will give true meaning to the rest of my life
And friendship and love forever.

One More Day

If every day I could make a wish
That on the next day would come true,
There is no doubt that I would wish
For one more day with you.

One more day of pure delight
Simply watching what you do.
Loving you with all my might
Knowing you will love me too.

I'll rise early in the dark of night
And watch as you still sleep.
And stare in wonder till dawn's light
At your angelic face, so sweet.

When you awake I'll smile at you
And kiss you on your cheek.
Then I'll ask what you want to do,
What adventures do you seek?

Your every wish is my command
I'll strive to make it true
I only hope that you demand
I spend one more day with you!

At day's end I'll make a wish
That on the next day will come true.
That for a million days I can love and kiss
My wonderful, beautiful you!

Two Way Street

We were two lost souls, you and me,
One lost in grief, the other no home.
But together we have come to be
Much better than we were alone.
   And now together our two hearts beat
   Thank God that love’s a two way street.

When my hand was cold, yours was warm.
No wonder I lent my helping hand.
You rescued me when I came to harm
So our love we began to understand.
   And now together our two hearts beat
   Thank God that love’s a two way street.

You gave me a bookcase and chair.
And I loaned you my mother.
We have found so much to share,
In our love for one another.
   And now together our two hearts beat
   Thank God that love’s a two way street.

The love we feel when we embrace
And share a tender kiss.
Lets us know we are in a place
To live in perfect bliss.
   And now together our two hearts beat
   Thank God that love’s a two way street.
   Thank God that love’s a two way street.

Your Love

Your love is like a melody
That permeates my heart
It’s like a song that plays for me
When together or apart.

Your love keeps me company
Every moment of the day.
It soothes my soul and comforts me
And sends my blues away.

Your love is just like poetry
With meaning that will last
It is a poem of what will be
And what is in the past.

Your love has rhymes and metre
That give my life its pace.
My life could not be sweeter
As I’m held in love’s embrace.

Your love is so dear to me
Be it poetry or song.
So as I sail towards destiny
Please, dear, come along.

We’ll ride the waves of eternity
On a ship with flag unfurled
Side by side you and me
Through the canyons of the world.


Some have said that going through life
Is like pulling on strings,
    where you don’t know
    what’s on the other end.
You never know what you will find.

You might tug on one string
    hoping to find kindness.

You might pull on another
     hoping to find happiness.

You might grab another string
     looking for love.

You might select another
    hoping to find a woman,
        who is beautiful
        both inside and out.

Most times you will be disappointed.
But when I pulled on your string
    I found all of these.
    I found you!

I love you, my Valentine


When I give you flowers
I give you the universe
   Because without the universe
   There would be no sun
   And there would be no earth
   And there would be no air
   And there would be no clouds
   And there would be no rain
   And there would be no flowers.
So, enjoy the universe my love!


My heart beats for you.
My lungs breathe your breath.
My mind is awash with thoughts of you.
You are my obsession.
I could not love you more.
I’m staying alive to take care of you.
I am staying alive because you are taking care of me.


There are times I’ve heard the song sparrow’s trill,
Or maybe that hike with the mountain top view.
But nothing is like how you give me a thrill
Early each day when I first see you.

When I see the glimmer of the sun’s first light,
Or see the light of that same sun fade,
It doesn’t compare to your eyes shinning bright,
Or the place in my heart that you’ve made.

As pure water falls down a stony stream
And quenches the thirst of those below,
You have quelled the grief of my worst dreams
And made my happiness grow.

Like a downy’s drum on an old hollow tree,
Or the mockingbird’s loquacious song,
My heart beat hums when dreaming of thee.
And my soul sings all the day long.

So please stay by my side for our remaining years,
Don’t leave me for even a day.
With love and joy and attendant tears
Always together we’ll find our own way.

The following love poem took lines from previous poems,
thus, the title.


Before I met you
I was broken, lost without hope.
Then across a room
I heard your voice singing.
From then on, in my mind,
Sometimes your image would appear
And lift my spirit, as it became clear
That the vastness of the universe was wasted on me
Because beyond your beauty I could not see.
You became the center of my world.
As I revolved around you,
The power of your love held me tight
Through joyous days and sleepless nights.
Soon our love did us enthrall
And left no doubt that love conquers all.
Now my love is more than I can measure
And your love is my greatest treasure.
All that you are nourishes my soul
And no longer broken, I am now whole!

Wrapped in your love

Once I suffered from winter’s freezing chill.
My blood ran cold from my head to my feet.
I’m sure I would be shivering still
With a heart that could barely even beat.

But wrapped in your love my heart shivers no more.
My body is warmed by your radiant smiles..
You are my Sunshine and all I adore.
Please walk by my side for a billion miles.

Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.