Some One’s Parents



Dearest Mother, you have left us now after 97 years here on earth.  But we know that you are not really gone.  You live on through each of your sons, daughters-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and the many friends you have made over these years.  We will see the world through your eyes; we will hear the sounds of nature through your ears; and we will have love and compassion for all living things through your heart. You have taught us all so much and we will not forget.  You were the most optimistic person we have ever known. And you saw the good in every person you met, probably because you knew a loving God was within us all.  You always moved forward through life spreading joy and happiness as you went.  And now you have taken your next step. We will miss your physical presence, but know that your loving spirit will always be with us.


Honored Father, you have left us way too early after 83 years here on earth. But we know that you are not really gone.  You live on through each of your sons, daughters-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and the many friends you have made over these years. You were a humble, honest, gentle man, who showed us love and kindness through all the years of our lives. You were a good man to your very core and set an example that to this day we strive to emulate. You gave each of your sons the gift of a moral compass for which we have been grateful over and over again in our lives. We miss your physical presence, but know that your loving spirit will always be with us.

My Mom’s thoughts on the Nature of God.

About a year before her death I sat down with my mother and asked her about her belief in God. This is what she said.

Is God supernatural?
I don’t know if God is supernatural.  I just know that I can pray to him and He just takes over when I am worrying or powerless.  God is a spirit of some sort, maybe part of us.

Was God the Creator?
I don’t know.  I don’t really worry about that.

Is God authoritarian?  Is god loving?
God is always good and loving and not an authoritarian who punishes people.

Does God talk to you?
No, God does not talk to me.

Is God omnipresent?
He is there for everybody because he is part of everybody.

Is God omnipotent?
God is only as powerful as you make him.

Does God plan each of our lives?
No God does not plan our lives.  We make our own plans and actions and then live with the consequences.  God or something answers players but does not necessarily give you something you want. Things work themselves out one way or the other.  It all has to do with the thoughts and actions you have.

Is God the one and only God?
I Don’t know.

Is Jesus God?
No I don’t think Jesus is God.  He was a man….a great teacher.

Does God dwell in heaven?
No, God is part of everybody.  He doesn’t dwell in heaven or some other place.

Is God different things to different people?

Do you believe in the Devil?