
Poems About Imagination

Stronger than nature
Is earth’s most powerful force.

Imagination is the primary function of our minds, whether it is helping us define our reality or helping us escape our reality into a fantasy.  Some One wrote the first poem, Orchid Dragons, after his daughter had suggested that one of his orchids had blooms that looked like a dragon. The second poem, The Quantum Dragonfly, was inspired by the imagination it takes to study quantum physics (Some One’s hobby). The third poem gives an insight to how Some One sometimes tends towards wishful thinking. The fourth poem, about a girl who drinks her coffee through a straw, is just silly!

Orchid Dragons

I'll bet this is something you didn't know:
There are at least two ways that dragons grow.
All curled up in his wings and legs,
A boy dragon is hatched from a magical egg.
But a girl dragon grows in an orchid bloom
Gaining her strength in a flowery womb.
Through magic she remains a tiny size
Invisible to our human eyes.
Then after a while as the bloom dies back
This baby dragon leaves her warm sack.
And springing forth into the light,
A newborn dragon takes her first flight.
Then comes a most marvelous thing,
She begins to grow as light hits her wings!
She makes a very long trip without a stop
To the clouds and mist of a mountain top.
There she trains and studies each day
And learns to live in the dragon way.
She doesn't learn to write or read
Because that is not what dragon's need.
She learns to navigate at night
And tell the difference 'tween wrong and right.
She memorizes ancient poems
And applies feng shui in making her home.
And though she never opens a book
She learns the fire breathing way to cook.
And as she grows both wiser and older,
She learns in romance ways to act bolder.
Which is a very good thing for a lady to learn
'Cause when finding a guy there is much to discern.
How is his breath when he's not breathing fire?
Is he speaking the truth or being a liar?
When he walks into a very small space,
Does he swing his tail and knock over a vase?
Before she knows it, she is all grown
And soon it's time for her seeds to be sown.
So on a special night very late,
When it's finally time for her to mate,
She's off to soar above the earth
And return to the place of her very own birth.
She arrives in the dark but very soon
She finds that special orchid bloom,
And lays her seed in its protective folds
And then up she goes on her wings of gold.
She can't be seen in the dark of night
But you can feel the breeze as she takes flight.
So what can we make of this dragon story
Of flowers so sweet and nothing gory.
The lesson here is when there is nothing to see,
You might just imagine how you want it to be!

The Quantum Dragonfly

The golden winged dragonfly flaps her wings
     in the cold, crisp, clear autumn air, 
     searching for the meaning of life. 
Her wave function shifts its shape smoothly 
     with each stroke of her wings.  
She is searching for a quantum event 
     that will split the universe 
     and give her another life in a new  world. 
She does not care that 
     she can never know her life in this other world 
     because she can imagine!
Imagination is everything!

One Hundred Buddhists

A hundred Buddhist nuns and monks
Working in my garden for only one day.
Stripping out vines that climb up tree trunks
And clearing paths that show me the way.

Mindfully sorting weed from treasure
In silence with patience they toil
And turn me from suffering to pleasure
While cultivating the garden soil.

This is my dream for my humble garden
To alter my karma from actions before.
A way to grant me a pardon
For my failure to do my own chores.

Coffee Through a Straw?

I saw a girl drink her coffee through a straw!
If she does that, what else does she do?
Maybe she eats all her food raw,
And doesn’t even bother to chew!

Does she wear her clothes inside out,
And her shoes on the opposite feet?
Does she carry a purse that looks like a trout?
I think that would really look neat!

Instead of her feet does she walk on her hands?
That surely would give people pause,
And earn her many admiring fans,
And explain why she drinks with straws!