Some believe that we could fill up all of the pages of all the websites in the world with thoughts about the nature of God.  Others believe that only one sentence need be spoken: "There is no God."  Others believe they know God and his nature, and that they can describe it clearly.  And still others believe that the nature of God is unknowable.  I once said, "If God is nothing more than a human mind in disguise, then what a miraculous God he must be!"  The poems below are how I imagine God, but of course I truly know nothing of God.  What do you think?


Is God
The ultimate reality?
The ultimate transcends
    All categories,
    Good and evil,
     Love and hate,
     Being and non-being,
If God
Is the ultimate reality
Then God
     Is not good
     Is not evil
     Is not love
     Is not hate
     Is not being
     Is not non-being
No, God is not the ultimate reality.


God is not apart from the cosmos. 
God did not create the cosmos
God is the cosmos. 

God is not supernatural. 
God is all of nature. 
God is totally natural.

We are part of the cosmos. 
We are part of God. 
Part of God is us. 

God is within us. 
God is everything. 
Everything is within us
God is us.. 


When we talk to God and he answers, where
     does that answer arrive?  At our ears?  
No, for the deaf can get answers from God.
God speaks to our minds.
Where does God speak from?
The simplest answer is: from our minds.
For Jesus tells us the Kingdom of God is within us.
The Buddha urged us to take refuge in ourselves and
     to achieve enlightenment through our minds.
And there is a consciousness within our minds that speaks
     both to and from our minds.
But is there a consciousness separate from our self?
A non-self consciousness that is God the Father?
A non-self consciousness
     that evolved with humans?
     that contains the accumulated wisdom of generations?
     that is common to all human kind?
     that is the heart of our spiritual being?
     that provides us with comfort when our self is troubled?
     that provides our moral compass?
     that leads us to enlightenment?
     that allows us to love and be loved?
Is God the Father born of our natural Mother?
Does this Father of our mind rule the Kingdom within us
     but not the natural world?
Is this Father the ground of our being?
Perhaps there is neither self nor non-self.  There is only one.
Perhaps we are both ourselves and the Father.
Perhaps the Father of our mind is most purely our
     capacity to love?
Yes, in the simplest terms, God is Love.


I close my eyes and turn within
To search my mind and spirit.
I hope to find my God therein
To know his voice and hear it.

I feel for certain God is love
And that He dwells within me.
No need to search the sky above
For messages he sends me.

To find the place within my mind
Where God and His love live
I contemplate on all mankind
To whom my love I give.

I center on my own loved ones
And meditate some more
And by the time that I am done
I'm standing at a door.

Breathe in, breathe out, this is the way
I pause to find my center.
And then I knock and softly say
"Please God, I wish to enter."

"The door is open, come inside"
My Father says to me.
"Within your mind we both abide
Our love will set us free."

I feel the comfort of my God,
Holding hands with all mankind.
By this connection I am awed,
All the world is in my mind.

Now I am free to give my love
And to love myself as well.
Yes I have what I dreamed of,
A place for God to dwell.