Fantastic Stories


Sometimes when a special occasion calls for a poem things get out of hand and a fantastical story erupts. The two poems below are just such stories.


In the most magical time there could ever be,
There lived four kids in the land of K.C.
Most of the time they filled their days
With joyous games that they would play.
Of course they all had to go to school
Their parents weren’t rearing no silly fools!
So sometimes to school they had to hurry,
And about some homework or test they’d worry.
And occasionally there was a cross word or two
But soon enough any fighting was through.
So all and all these four young things
Had plenty of happy songs to sing.
Then came the day that crashed their wagon,
They were kidnapped by a big scary dragon!!!
The dragon breathed black smoke and fire,
And had no good traits that you could admire!
He held them captive in a dingy dungeon,
And they had no food or water among them.
In the center of their prison where a bright light shown
Was a sword buried to the hilt in a stone.
The dragon said, “if you can remove the sword,
You’re freedom will promptly be restored.”
First Chloe walked over and gave it a nudge,
Then pulled hard as she could but it just wouldn’t budge!
Next Aiden stepped up and gave a big jiggle
But the sword in the stone didn’t even wiggle.
Then Olivia remembered a story she’d read
That you shouldn’t pull hard but gently instead.
So she so very gently pulled on the hilt,
But the sword wouldn’t even waggle or tilt.
The three older kids’ spirits were broke,
Then from a dark corner young Daphne spoke:
“You know, if we all just pulled together
I think that would really work lots better.”
So together they pulled, then shouted with glee
As the sword started moving and soon became free!!!
The dragon was shocked and totally floored
As the kids rushed forward all swinging the sword!
They were upon him as quick as could be
And cut off his tail as he turned to flee!
The dragon was bleeding and quickly turned pale,
And by the point of the sword was taken to jail.
Well you can imagine when the kids arrived home
They wanted their parents to read this poem.
They swore up and down this story was true
But their parents had a totally different view,
“If you were really kidnapped as you say
And cut off a dragon’s tail to get away,
Then where is the tail to support your story.
You just made this up for your own glory.”
But the kids quickly shouted with the strength of a gale,
“This poem, just read, is the dragon tale!!!”

‘Twas the Week Before Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas in their family abode
With the holidays coming the pace had not slowed.
They hurried and scurried to get things done
So on Christmas day they all could have fun!
But a dark cloud was lurking over their happy home
What happened next is the tale of this poem!
Dad and Mom were both working hard
In his moto garage and her garden yard,
When there came a earsplitting clap of thunder
And before they could head for a roof to get under
A giant tornado suddenly sucked them up
And took them away along with their pup!
It was more than an hour they were up in the sky
And all three thought they surely would die.
When the storm let up and they hit the ground
They  couldn’t see, or hear a sound.
Dad was buried in motorcycle parts,
And Mom under  bulbs from Daffodil Mart,
And poor little pup, whose business is trouble,
Was good-as-can-be ‘cause he was covered with rubble.
Since nothing could move but a finger at most,
The best they could do was an Instagram post.
Dad tapped on his phone, which was close at hand
And out went a message to all of the land.
But his friends thought his post was only a joke
And just sent snide comments and called him a dope.
So Mom sent a note to the Bloom Brigade
But too busy were they with cards to be made.
Now it was up to their pup, who started to growl,
Then he took a deep breath and let out a howl!
Now this was a howl like never occurred,
So surely some answer soon would be heard.
And soon enough, at the Starbucks in Webster
Where Lulu and Sylvia were in sequester,
Lu looked at Syl and excitedly said,
“Our pup is in trouble unless I’m misled.”
About the same time back home in their rooms
Clara and Finn heard their pup’s howl boom.
All four converged on their home’s front porch
To lay out a plan for conducting a search.
“But where are our parents?” together they cried
As each one looked at the damage outside.
All followed the instinct they trusted the most
And looked for a recent social media post!
There was the note to the Bloom Brigade
And the Instagram post that Dad had made.
Among pictures of candy and Yule Tide tarts
Were stories on bulbs and motorcycle parts.
But even outnumbering the Christmas cats
Were thousands of posts on where the pup was at.
Now pretty sure that they had the skinny
Sylvia and Lulu took off in the Mini.
Soon Clara was moving at the speed of light
As she followed her sisters on her motorbike.
Finn knew they would need a bevy of diggers,
So he marshaled his army of action figures.
By the time he was ready he’d been left all alone
So he ordered an Uber on an app on his Phone.
It didn’t take long till they were together
At the pile of rubble that was dropped by the weather.
The pile was enormous, maybe thirty feet tall,
And now all four of them felt so small.
Finn unleashed his army of heroes
But each was so tiny their progress was zero.
“We’ve got to get help,” cried Syl and Lu
And each of them knew just what to do.
Lu wrote a message on the Daffodil Net
And to her Dad’s followers Syl sent a text.
Soon there were gardeners and mechanics galore
But progress was slow; they needed still more!
Now Clara had been sitting there lost in her thoughts
When she shouted, “I have the solution we’ve sought!
“Another tornado will pick up this pile!”
She shouted out with a wink and a smile.
Racing her bike around in a circular direction
She created a swirl by advection convection!
But as fast as she went it wasn’t enough
And the gigantic pile was still full of stuff.
It looked as if their parents were doomed
And certainly that meant that Christmas was ruined.
Then suddenly everyone spoke not a word
They couldn’t believe the sound that they heard.
In an adjacent lawn they heard such a clatter
They all turned their heads to see what was the matter.
What to their wondering eyes did appear?
Twas a miniature sleigh and eight tiny rein-deer!
More rapid than eagles his coursers they flew
Santa circled the pile so that up it blew!
And everyone watched the the pile fly up
Uncovering a very disheveled pup!
That little old driver was lively and glad,
And soon pealed off the parts from our family’s Dad.
Then as bulbs before wild hurricanes fly,
The pile above Mom flew up to the sky.
From the stump of a pipe Santa held in his teeth
The smoke encircled this place like a wreath.
The crowd of rescuers watched him take flight
And Santa and his sleigh flew out of sight.
The kids jumped with joy and no longer were sad,
For Santa had rescued their Mom and Dad.
The family thanked all their friends who had helped,
Even their Corgi pup gave them a yelp!
And they were heard to exclaim as they drove out sight
“Happy Christmas to all”, and
“Boy, I’m never going to buy so many bulbs again” and
“I think I’m going to get rid of a lot of those old motorcycle parts,” and
“Since we saved them do you think us kids will get a lot more presents this Christmas,” and
“Ruff, ruff, ruff”, which in dog speak means “Happy Christmas, Love from Paw Paw  Some One“

The End