A set of personal beliefs has to include some guidelines for dealing with conflict.  I drew from Taoist teachings and my own experience in preparing this section of my Book of Living.


As much as we wish we would receive nothing but love
     from our fellow humans, that will not always be the case.
Sometimes we are confronted with hateful actions or speech,
     unkindness, prejudice, intolerance, disrespect, and lies.
Where possible our response should be with loving actions,
     loving speech, kindness, respect, and truth.
Those who follow Tao (the Way) know how to deal with conflict:
     The goal is to avoid confrontation and live in peace.   
     Hate and retaliation do not lead to peace.
However, we must prepare to defend ourselves from
     attacks, physical or otherwise.
Enter into conflict only as a last resort and know that winning
     has its consequences.
Have a position and know it.  Don't be caught unaware,
     without tactics or a point of view.
Have the means to act resourcefully and know your
     strengths and limitations.
Avoid bad times and bad places.
Be prepared so you can act without hesitation if necessary.
When time for confrontation does come, be bold and
     act as a winner without doubt, and
     act from a righteous position.
Tao has three rules for confrontation:
     - Expose as little as possible.
     - Preserve life.
     - Do not let go!